Tag: Ibn-rushd

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The History of Neurosurgery in the Islamic Era in Middle Ages

by M. Jalal Annajjar Published on: 4th March 2022

Human knowledge in all fields and disciplines has been developed over thousands of years, every new generation takes the knowledge discovered previously and either adds onto it or corrects any errors found within it. There…

The New York Times: “The Muslims Who Inspired Spinoza, Locke and Defoe” by Mustafa Akyol

by Media Desk Published on: 14th April 2021

A novel written by a 12th-century Arab writer about a boy alone on an island influenced the Daniel Defoe classic ‘Robinson Crusoe.’

The Arab Roots of European Medicine

by David W. Tschanz Published on: 2nd June 2020

Wel knew he the olde Esculapius And Deyscorides and eek Rufus, Olde Ypocras, Haly and Galeyn, Serapion, Razi and Avycen, Averrois, Damascien and Constantyn, Bernard and Gatesden and Gilbertyn.


Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

by Mohammed Abattouy Published on: 15th September 2012

Ibn Rushd (Averroes) is considered as the most important of the Islamic philosophers. He set out to integrate Aristotelian philosophy with Islamic thought. A common theme throughout his writings is that there is no incompatibility…


Pioneer Physicians

by David W. Tschanz Published on: 21st February 2011

During the classical Muslim civilisation, big scientific advances in medicine were made. Muslim doctors began by collecting all the medical observations and theories of their predecessors, especially Hippocrates and Galen, and built an original and…


The Missing Link in the History of Urology

by Rabie Abdel-Halim Published on: 1st May 2009

With few exceptions, most of the current publications on history of urology still ignore the scientific and technological events of the more than a thousand years between the Greco-Roman times and the modern era. This…



by FSTC Published on: 26th August 2004

Marrakech became, due to the ambitions and sponsorship of its rulers, the centre of attraction for numerous scholars including Ibn Rushd who served as the Chief Physician and where he pursued many works in science.…


Ibn Rushd: Harmony of Theological & Philosophical (Scientific) Truth

by The Editorial Team Published on: 27th April 2004

Ibn Rushd is perhaps the best known Muslim scholar of Cordoba who was instrumental in influencing European theology and epistemology. Here is a facinating glimpse into his role in establishing the role of reasoning in…