Tag: Ibn-zuhr

Ibn Zuhr and the Progress of Surgery

by Rabie Abdel-Halim Published on: 5th December 2012

This study of the original Arabic edition of the book Al-Taysir fi ‘l-Mudawat wa’l-Tadbir (Book of Simplification Concerning Therapeutics and Diet) written by the Muslim physician Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar, 1093-1162 CE) aims at evaluating his…


Pioneer Physicians

by David W. Tschanz Published on: 21st February 2011

During the classical Muslim civilisation, big scientific advances in medicine were made. Muslim doctors began by collecting all the medical observations and theories of their predecessors, especially Hippocrates and Galen, and built an original and…


Pericardial Pathology 900 Years Ago: A Study and Translations from an Arabic Medical Textbook

by Salah R. Elfaqih Published on: 6th May 2009

This is a study and translation of the section on pericarditis in Kitab al-taysir fi al-mudawat wa-'l-tadbir (Book of Simplification Concerning Therapeutics and Diet) written by the Muslim physician Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) who lived and…


The Missing Link in the History of Urology

by Rabie Abdel-Halim Published on: 1st May 2009

With few exceptions, most of the current publications on history of urology still ignore the scientific and technological events of the more than a thousand years between the Greco-Roman times and the modern era. This…