In the frame of the research project ‘Astrolabes in medieval Jewish society’, the Warburg Institute organizes a conference in London on 24-25 April 2014. The topics covered by this conference will be the astrolabe itself, texts on the construction and use of the instrument, and the position of the astrolabe in pre-modern cultures and societies (Islam and India, Jewish societies and medieval and Renaissance Europe).
The conference is organised by Josefina Rodriguez-Arribas and Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute) and Stephen Johnston (Oxford Museum for the History of Science).
Venue: The Warburg Institute (for directions click here)
Click here to download the poster.
Attendance is free of charge, but pre-registration is required by emailing: warburg(at) giving your name, email address, and the name of your institution (if relevant).
The conference will last 1.5 days. Please note that on day 2 we provide a sandwich lunch with meat and vegetarian options.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
1.30 Registration
Chair: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute)
2.00 Welcome
2.15 Silke Ackermann (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford): All the Astrolabes – An AHRC Project in Context
3.00 Stephen Johnston (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford): Construction and Use: A Museum Perspective on Astrolabe Writing
3.45 Tea break
4.15 Johannes Thomann (Universität Zürich): Astrolabes as Eclipse Computers: Arabic Texts on the Construction and Use of the ṣafīḥa kusūfiyya
5.00 Josefina Rodríguez Arribas (Warburg Institute): Bonetus de Latis and his Astrolabe Ring
5.45 Practical demonstration of use of an astrolabe
6.30 – 7.30 Wine reception
7.30 Dinner (for invited guests)
Friday, 25 April 2014
10.00 Doors open
10.15 Emilia Calvo (Universidad de Barcelona): The Old Castilian Alfonsine Translation of ‘Alī b. Khalaf’s Universal Plate
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Flora Vafea (Independent scholar, Cairo/Athens): From the Celestial Globe to the Astrolabe: Transferring the Celestial Motion onto the Plane of the Astrolabe
12.15 Petra Schmidl (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn):
Comparing Astrolabes: The Problems of Dating and Locating a Medieval European Example and a Theoretical Solution
1.00 Lunch
2.15 Sreeramula Rajeswara Sarma (Emeritus Professor, Aligarh Muslim University and Düsseldorf): Reworking of Arabic-Persian Astrolabes with Sanskrit Legends
3.00 Miquel Forcada (Universidad de Barcelona): Reactions to 11th century Toledan Astronomy in al-Andalus
3.45 Tea break
4.15 Laura Fernandez Fernandez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Astrolabes on Parchment: The Astrolabes Depicted in Alfonso X’s Libro del saber de astrología and their Relationship to Contemporary Instruments
5.00 Koenraad Van Cleempoel (Universiteit Hasset): Two Medieval French Astrolabes with a Gear Mechanism
5.45 Conclusions
6.30 End of conference
Further resources
Astrolabes in Medieval Cultures (source)
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