Lecture: Great Men and Women of Science in Muslim Heritage

by FSTC Published on: 21st November 2006

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Evening lecture with Professor Salim Al-Hassani. Tuesday 21 November 2006, 6pm-8pm


Evening lecture with Professor Salim Al-Hassani
Tuesday 21 November 2006, 6pm-8pm

Free, refreshments provided

Our current education system and media leave us with a gap in our knowledge about the history od science, technology and thought from 600-1600 CE. This fascinating lecture will recount the stories of some of the great men and women of science from that period, whose inventions still influence our lives today.

6pm: Refreshments and opportunity to explore Museum galleries.
7pm: Lecture presentation in the Carwell Auditorium at The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, Liverpool Road, M3 4FP

Booking is essential for the popular free event.
Please call the Museum’s bookings line on 0161 833 0027
or e-mail to education@msim.org.uk