Go Green Week 9-15 February

by The Editorial Team Published on: 29th January 2015

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As Monday 9th February, until Sunday 15th February “Go Green Week”, Muslim Heritage has compiled a list of articles regarding environmental sustainability in Muslim civilisation. Muslim societies previously led examples of constructing environmentally and ecologically friendly societies which were guided by principles and ethics. Their lifestyle was in contrast to the principles dominating the present industrialised world. In their works and treatises, scientists from Muslim civilisation discussed an array of subjects ranging from agriculture, zoology and animal preservation, botany, conservation, natural disaster, manmade disaster and pollution, sustainability and urbanisation/city planning. By sharing this information, Muslim Heritage believes all may benefit and be inspired by past ideas when dealing with issues such as environmental sustainability. Click on the below links for more information:


Figs in Muslim Spain

Figs may not have had the economic importance of olives, they afford an excellent example of the intensification of agriculture in Islamic Spain, manifest in the dazzling variety of the fruit available to consumers… Read More >>>

Gleanings from the Islamic Contribution in Agriculture

The Islamic tradition of agriculture, whether in the form of the outstanding progress in agriculture production or as a large corpus of farming manuals written in Arabic, is nowadays a subject of interest… Read More >>>

Muslim Contribution to Spanish Agriculture

This article describes some of the numerous Muslim contributions to the development Spanish agriculture, including the introduction of new crops, more intensive use of irrigation, soil management… Read More >>>

The Globalisation of Crops

As the Muslims advanced, they introduced methods and machinery of the Ancient Near East, and also certain crops which could not have been grown with the typically classical agricultural methods. Read More >>>

The Stellar and Lunar Keys to Medieval Muslim Agriculture

Proceedings of the conference 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World organised by FSTC, London, 25-26 May 2010]. In this short note, Dr Zohor Idrisi, an expert on the history of Islamic agriculture,..  Read More >>>


Botany, Herbals and Healing In Islamic Science and Medicine

The scholars of Islamic culture worked extensively in the combined fields of botany, herbals and healing. Several scholars contributed to the knowledge of plants, their diseases and the methods of growth…  Read More >>>

The Simurgh: A Symbol of Holistic Medicine in the Middle East…

This article discusses the view that the simurgh, a mythological bird with supernatural characteristics, was also a symbol of miraculous life and treatment, as related in stories and miniature pictures… Read More >>>


Abbasid Gardens in Baghdad and Samarra

The love of gardens during the Abbâsid period, whether in Baghdad or in Samarra, was born within the already existing cultural tradition of Mesopotamia, where the art of gardening had been perfected… Read More >>>

Ecology in Muslim Heritage: A History of the Hima Conservation System

A hima is a reserved pasture, where trees and grazing lands are protected from indiscriminate harvest on a temporary or permanent basis. It existed in the Middle East before Islam… Read More >>>

Gardens, Nature and Conservation in Islam

The notion, repeated in the Quran, of Paradise as a garden (al-janna, “The Garden”) is symbolized in the form of Andalusi gardens, a few of which survive physically and some of which are described… Read More >>>

Islamic Aesthetics, Gardens and Nature

Sensory beauty, whether it be in feats of architecture or calligraphy, has long been a pursuit of Islamic civilisation. Achievements such as the Alhambra pertain to this fact. This article further describes… Read More >>>


1000 Years Amnesia: Environment Tradition in Muslim Heritage

In a seminar organised by the Oxford Centre of Islamic Studies in 11 January 2005, aimed at brain-storming the topic of Islam and the Environment, Professor Al-Hassani presented a short overview… Read More >>>

Ecology in Islamic Culture: A Selected Critical Bibliography

The studies on the Islamic view of environment protection and the links between Islamic classical culture and ecology knew recently a notable progress, testified by numerous valuable publications… Read More >>>

Environment and the Muslim Heritage

The following short article is based on the notes for a speech presented to the Muslim Heritage Awareness Group held at the Royal Society in London, 14 July 2009. The MHAG is a consulting network… Read More >>>

Importance of Culture in Ecological Dialogue

Professor Al-Hassani addressed in a keynote lecture the 16th Eurasian Economic Summit organised in Istanbul on 10-11 April 2013. His speech in a session on the “Importance of Culture… Read More >>>

Interview of Professor Al-Hassani in ‘The Alchemy of Innovation’

In his new book, The Alchemy of Innovation, published in early 2013, Javed Akhtar Mohammed explores, through interviews with several well-known personalities, the different facets of innovation… Read More >>>

Sir Crispin Tickell: “Environment on the Edge”

[Proceedings of the conference 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World organised by FSTC, London, 25-26 May 2010]. In this concentrated and well written article, Sir Crispin Tickell… Read More >>>

Natural disaster

Knowledge versus Natural Disasters from Arabic Sources

The aim of this paper is to investigate the various aspects of preparedness and response to natural disasters in the Arabic speaking lands during the 15th and 16th centuries, with comparison… Read More >>>

Manmade disaster and pollution

Ecology in Muslim Heritage: Treatises on Environmental Pollution…

Several Arabic treatises dating from the 9th through the 13th century deal with environmental pollution. They cover subjects like air and water contamination, solid waste mishandling and… Read More >>>


Sustainability in its Historical Context

[Proceedings of the conference 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World organised by FSTC, London, 25-26 May 2010]. Departing from a definition of sustainability as a concept that involves… Read More >>>

Sustainable History, Human Dignity and Trans-Cultural Synergy

Dr Nayef Al-Rodhan outlines his theory of history about sustainable history and the dignity of man. He explains how sustainable history is propelled by good governance, which balances the tension between… Read More >>>

Water Management and Hydraulic Technology

Water management in all its intricacies, from Andalusia to Afghanistan, was the basis of agriculture, and source of all life. Muslims did much to develop hydraulic technology and deploy water… Read More >>>

Urbanisation/City planning

Introduction to the Islamic City

Islam is seen by many scholars as an urban religion, which favours communal practice on individual worship. Although, piety is the only source of appraisal, it is widely accepted that most… Read More >>>

The Impact of Islam on Urban Development in North Africa

This paper seeks to remind readers of the contribution of Islam to the civilisation of the peoples of North Africa by looking at its influence on the urbanisation of the region. The aim is to define… Read More >>>

Zoology and animal preservation

Anatomy of the Horse in the 15th Century

The famous image we find in an Arabic manuscript depicting the “al-faras al-mastuh” (a horse lying on its back) is a clear representative of the degree of progress attained in the Islamic tradition of veterinary… Read More >>>

Animal Care

By way of faith, Muslims have a strong regard for the care of animals. This is due to the attention that the Prophet Muhammad gave to the wellbeing and good-treatment of other creatures of God… Read More >>>

Cats in Islamic Culture

This article describes the various cultural representations associated to cats in Islamic civilisation and shows examples of the respect, love and understanding with which cats were treated… Read More >>>


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