Homage to Professor Salim Al-Hassani in Al-Ithinainiya Literary Forum in Jeddah

by FSTC Published on: 7th February 2009

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On 2 February 2009 Professor Salim Al-Hassani, Chairman of the FSTC was given homage by Sheikh Abdul Maqsood Khoja at the Al-Ithnainiya Literary Forum in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


On 2 February 2009 Professor Salim Al-Hassani, Chairman of the Board of FSTC Trustees was given homage by Sheikh Abdul Maqsood Khoja at the Al-Ithnainiya Literary Forum in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The keynote address was entitled “Milestone on the Road of 1001inventions”. The event was attended by scholars, leading Saudis, Diplomatic missions both men and women. This award has been running for the last 25 years. Previous leading scholars honoured include: Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Sheikh Muhammed Ali Al-Sabouni, Sheikh Abul Hasan Al-Nadawi, Sheikh Dr. Yousef Al-Qardawi, Sheikha Fatima Naseef, Sheikh Dr Ayidh Al-Qarni, Dr Abel Hadi Al-Tazi, etc.

Figure 1: Professor Salim Al-Hassani with Sheikh Sheikh Abdul Maqsood Khoja during the homage.

For more details visit the website of the Al-Ithnainiya Literary Forum: Homage to Professor Salim Al-Hassani (in Arabic).

The Ithnaineyah Forum in its meaning and content is a way of appreciation to some influential and original Arab innovators and to express deep recognition of their contribution to their nations and societies. The Forum values their enrichment of the intellectual, scientific and literary Arabic scene with their various endowments.

Figure 2: Professor Salim Al-Hassani with Sheikh Sheikh Abdul Maqsood Khoja browsing through a book.

The work carried out by the Forum is described as follows by its founder, Sheikh Abdul Maqsood Khoja:

“In my endeavours to reflect the high value attributed by our society to those pioneers in literature, I launched the Ithnaineyah since 1982 as a weekly Forum that gathers intellectuals every Monday (Ithnain) evening at my house in Jeddah to express our appreciation as mentioned above.

The results of these meetings had piled through time a large number of video clips. A lot of friends noted that it will be valuable to make them available in text for those who want to read and trace the outcome of these various meetings that represent more or less in a way or another a kind of an Encyclopaedia, as so called by some interested readers. No doubt the idea was great, so I did my best to convert all the cassettes into books. Now I am really satisfied to bring forth for Arabic readers around the world through this site which can be considered as a first hand data source.

Figure 3: General view of one of the meetings of Al-Ithnainiya Literary Forum in Jeddah (Source).

However, the building of the site will continue together with the issuance of new books in this series. Through this series of 18 books you can review our activities from the very beginning till now. I believe that this series give some assistance to researchers, students and concerned readers to study some of the main leading intellectuals during this period.

Of course we are in the process of inviting more of our outstanding innovators to have the honour of building bridges with them for the benefit of Arabic Literature”. (Source: The website of Al-Ithinainiya Literary Forum).

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