Breaking News: FSTC to host Women of Science workshop, June 2014

by FSTC Published on: 19th May 2014

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The two day workshop, 24th and 25th June 2014


In June 2014, The Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation (FSTC) will be hosting a Turkish delegation attending a workshop entitled ‘Women of Science and Management in History’. The two day workshop, 24th and 25th June 2014, follows on from sessions held in Istanbul in October 2013 and is part of a collaborative project between FSTC, UK and the Human Development and Social Education Foundation (iGETEV), Turkey.

During the workshop, FSTC academics and associates will work together with the delegates to discuss recent research findings on women in History who excelled in science, medicine and management and how to subsequently introduce such discoveries into school curricula.

(Middle Right to Left) Professor Salim Al-Hassani, President of FSTC and Professor Rafet Bozdogan, President of iGETEV with some of the course attendees at the Certificate Ceremony, Istanbul, October 2013 (Source)

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