British Science Association Tayside & Fife Branch, Free Public Lecture Series 2013-2014. Based on the acclaimed exhibition ‘1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim heritage in our World', this talk demonstrates how men and women of different faiths and cultures within predominately Muslim civilisations built on the achievements of ancient civilisations to improve the quality of life. The talk highlights the cultural roots of science, technology and civilisation.
Title: Islamic science: Inventions that changed the World
Lecturer: Professor Mohamed El-Gomati OBE, University of York, Chairman of FSTC
Orginisers: British Science Association Tayside & Fife Branch, Free Public Lecture Series 2013-2014
Date & Times: Saturday, 12th October 2013, 6pm
Location: Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
Supported by the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education
Admission: Free & refreshments provided
Lecture Description
Based on the acclaimed exhibition ‘1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim heritage in our World’, this talk demonstrates how men and women of different faiths and cultures within predominately Muslim civilisations built on the achievements of ancient civilisations to improve the quality of life. The talk highlights the cultural roots of science, technology and civilisation.
This free lecture has been organised in partnership with the Tayside & Fife branch of the British Science Association.
The Tayside & Fife Branch of the British Science Association is most grateful to the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, the Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation, the Royal Astronomical Society, the University of Dundee, the University of Abertay and the Dundee Science Festival Partnership for their contributions towards this lecture series.
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The British Science Association (BSA)
BSA is a unique nationwide organisation dedicated to the communication and appreciation of science. Anyone can become a member, and the Association embraces all areas of science, forging links, discussing and promoting all aspects of science and its influence on our lives.
BSA Branch organise an annual programme of free public lectures, with distinguished speakers in their field. BSA provide opportunities for school pupils to learn about cutting-edge research and present hands-on activities to community groups of all ages.
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Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation (FSTC)
FSTC is the global academic and knowledge partner for 1001 Inventions. FSTC is an international network of historians, scientists, engineers, educationalists and museum professionals working to popularise awareness of the historic roots of science. By highlighting role models from the past and how their achievements and inventions live on in the modern world, FSTC aims to inspire young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Further information is available on FSTC’s popular website:
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