Muslim scholars also realised that understanding the complexities of the universe, its order, harmony, perfection and functioning, brought people close to God and His message.
The acquisition of knowledge is in harmoney with Islam and not a threat as percieved in some religions.
Muslim scholars also realised that understanding the complexities of the universe, its order, harmony, perfection and functioning, brought people close to God and His message. In the beginning of his Zij al-Sabi, Al-Battani(endnote 15) wrote that the science of stellar bodies is of immense utility because it makes possible the knowledge of the length of the year, the months, and different times and seasons; the lengthening and shortening of day and night, the positions of the sun and the moon as well as their eclipses, and the courses of the planets in their direct and their retrograde motions, the alterations of their forms, and the arrangement of their spheres. This, he asserts, leads people, who reflect deeply and persistently, to the proof of the Oneness of God and to the comprehension of His majesty, immense wisdom, infinite power…(endnote 16)
Al-Urdi wrote that the usefulness of astronomy is immense to those `who contemplate on stellar marvels and the motions of the heavenly bodies, and that to the reflecting mind there are in these matters remarkable circumstances and solid proofs concerning God’s existence.’ Astronomy, he wrote, `leads to the science of theology and gives evidence of God’s magnificence.'(endnote 17)
Haji Kalifa, in the seventeenth century, explains that astronomy and anatomy both lead to a better understanding of God.(endnote 18) It is thus the perfect association of faith and reason, the two workings together instead of the antagonism prevalent elsewhere.
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