Based entirely on the book by Ali Mahmood titled "Muslims"...
Welcome to Episode 2 of our Rise of Muslims Documentary based on a book called Muslims by Ali Mahmood. In the first episode we talked about how the Prophet Muhammed led the Muslims to the conquest of Makkah and the reigns of the first four caliphs. In the second episode, we discuss the rise and fall of the Umayyad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty. The Umayyad dynasty was significant for the following reasons; It established a monarchy and dynasty over the Islamic Caliphate. It replaced passionate religious fervour with worldly values, ambition for power and wealth, and the love of luxury. It converted the empire of Islam into the empire of the Arabs It expanded the Muslim empire to the Atlantic in the West and China in the East. Based entirely on the book by Ali Mahmood titled “Muslims”
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